DBA fans,
There have been several changes to the web site over the last few week. I will explain each change in case there is any confusion.
First of all, there have been some changes to the team banners on the right side column. Beneath each banner, there is a list of the players on the team. It also includes the position they play and their scoring average so far this season. The reason I added this feature was so that every player can get more recognition individually and so fans can see how well each player is contributing to the team as far as scoring goes. It would be too tedious to include every stat for each player and update it every week, although I do that on a spread sheet from home.
Second, I have added the
DBA team records and player records in the right hand side of the web site. This will allow fans to see which teams are the best or the worst at specific statistical data related to their basketball play. Although the records will be updated throughout the season, most of the records, especially team records, can't be changed until the current season is finished. This is because the records are linked to the performance of a team or player over an entire season. Records that are linked to only one game will be updated immediately as records are beaten.
Third, I wanted to get some feedback from fans to see if they still want the season schedule on the site. It is sometimes a
hassle for me to update the scores of the games in several different locations. I record them in the season schedule, latest games, in the game summary comments, and in my spreadsheet at home. I was contemplating just leaving the schedule there so fans can refer to it, but discontinue updating the scores there. Let me know what you think.
Finally, let me know if you have any ideas of making the site better or if you see any errors that need to be fixed. I appreciate all the fans of the
DBA and without all of you, we wouldn't be able to put on and witness such amazing basketball games.
May the dice roll your way,
Commissioner J Colby Christensen